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Organizational Coaching
and Leadership Consulting Services

With systemic, organizational coaching support, your team will have what they need to achieve their highest potential
Activate your leadership’s ability to build a culture that supports business growth

“Whether you’re at an inflection point, or approaching it fast, your organizations’ successful growth through challenging times hinges on your leaders and the leadership culture they sustain. Times of change always stress existing processes and culture, which makes it an ideal time to invest in coaching your leaders and organization into best practices. With powerful strategies and tools, I’ll support your leadership teams to build an intentional and powerful culture that will allow your business to meet its market’s needs more smoothly. Let’s have a 30 minute conversation to identify how I can help you build an action plan for personal and organizational success.”
~ Dana Theus, Executive & Organizational Coach

Jasmine Lamb
Mansfield Hall


Eight months ago our company started contracting with Dana to work with our whole leadership team to integrate Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) as a framework to focus our attention and level up the whole company to be more strategic, effective, and goal focused. Dana has stuck by us as we figure this out, falter, refocus, and keep driving toward effective strategic systems and meaningful change as a company. I’m indebted and grateful to her for what she has made possible for me and our company and for her determination and commitment to center women in positions of leadership.

Team Coaching

Individual leaders can guide the organization to growth, but teams power the work that sustains it. Healthy, aligned leadership teams will make your vibrant business objectives into their reality. To do this they must be aligned and skilled in emotionally intelligent communication and collaboration techniques. They must be able to internally manage conflict and disagreement in order to create alignment and accountability. They must become experts at:

  • Goal Setting
  • Prioritization
  • Practical Consensus
  • Change
  • Accountability
  • Meetings

Executive Coaching

To support your organization through change, your leaders must grow into their complete potential. When your leadership team learns to lead at higher levels, the organization’s capacity to grow and shift with market demands increases. Once they activate their individual leadership potential they will create a business culture that encourages employees to do the right thing, even when no one is there to guide them. The stakes are high and “seat of the pants” leadership won’t support your business through the stresses of change. Let us help you develop leaders with:

  • Personal Executive Leadership & Presence
  • Cultural Awareness and Intention
  • Change Leadership Habits
  • Accountability Management Capabilities
  • Stakeholder Leadership Skills
  • Team Leader Mentoring & Coaching Abilities

Team 360

Your organization has a culture, and it is grounded in the culture of your leadership team. The more intentionality the team has, the more it supports the culture at large. When you’re struggling to identify the culture shift that will unleash an organization’s potential for 10x growth (without 10x headaches), a Leadership Circle Profile Team 360 will help you pinpoint exactly what needs to change. The Leadership Circle Profile collective assessment tool measures the groups’

  • creative leadership capacity to play together and win together
  • reactive tendencies where the team defaults into ‘playing not to lose’
  • self-awareness and (mis) alignment with others
  • primary energy drains holding them back from their potential
  • whether they’re delivering value greater than (or less than) the sum of their parts


Executive Leadership Masterminds

Helping your senior managers prepare to operate in an executive and C-Suite capacity takes “leadership development” to a new level. Our Executive Mastermind programs combine group coaching, executive mentorship with a strategically impactful Capstone project to help managers with high executive potential to gain:

  • A strategic perspective on the company’s business dynamics
  • An executive mindset
  • Visibility with executive sponsors
  • Executive presence
  • Insight into leading inclusive teams
  • Executive Presentation skills

This program is particularly effective in helping under-represented leaders, such as woman and people of color, gain executive visibility and mentoring.

Culture Design Consulting

Your organization’s uniquenesses are a strength, but unless intentionally counteracted they also bring weaknesses unless you set a “baseline” cultural conversation and onboard new hires into it quickly. Let us help you revitalize your organization’s Cultural Touchstone Statements (e.g., purpose, values, cultural vocabulary), keystone organizational habits and new employee acculturation plans. We’ll create customized content and help you develop a roll-out and sustainability plan in the following areas and more:

  • Goals Tracking
  • Innovation
  • Accountability
  • Change
  • Empowerment
  • Personal Stress Management & Prioritization

    Give Your Leaders the Power of Full Circle Leadership

    Deploy The  Leadership Circle Profile 360

    Three Steps to a Leadership Culture Shift

    The most powerful 360 instrument available today, The Leadership Circle Profile 360 assessment provides individual leaders and teams unparallelled insight into their strengths (to protect) and liabilities (to change). Combined with a Collective Culture Assessment and powerful InPower Coaching and Consulting, leaders know exactly what to do to shift their culture. Here’s the process we use to achieve a major culture shift in 12 months or less.



    Using the individual leader and team 360 reports, a committed leadership team will know exactly where each leader, and the team as a whole can focus their development efforts to see the kind of improvements that lead to greater business success



    Using the Leadership Circle Collective Team Assessment as a grounding factor, a facilitated focus session allows the leadership team to gain consensus on an aligned understanding of what gaps they want to fill across the organization in leadership competencies.



    Using this precise data and aligned consensus of the specific leadership competencies to invest in shifting, the organization can introduce individual, intentional culture changes every 2-4 months. These single changes “nudge” managers and employees into integrating the highest-impact shifts first, building the habit of culture refinement and accelerating change over time. With supplemental coaching, individual leaders use these “nudges” to focus their own development at the same time.


    We leave you with a stronger, authentic culture

    and the cultural habits to lead successfully through change.

    Learn more about The Leadership Circle Profile


    Benefits of Organizational Coaching and Team Coaching

    Creating greater capacity for growth at an organizational level often requires your leadership to learn new tools and strategies for business and team success. InPower’s organizational coaching services give you access to both interpersonal and organizational resources that support your leaders as individuals and as creators of the culture. Her straight-forward, time-efficient, intuitive and authentic techniques will help you activate your organization to do more and be more.

    Empower Accountable Leaders

    To scale your organization you must have confident leaders capable of empowering their teams to operate indendently while in alignment. They must have the skills to facilitate their people’s creativity while also holding them accountable. InPower tools and strategies will help them hone their authentic styles in leading, managing and developing others.

    Create Competitive Advantage 

    To beat the best in the market, you need to attract and retain the best employee base. Your next generation employees value meaning, empowerment and diversity in their workplace. Build a culture that reliably fulfills these needs and reap rewards from their innovation and productivity.

    Manage the Stress of Growth

    Employees operating at high capacity fuel your growth and success. Creating leaders who model emotionally intelligent prioritization, accountability and change leadership skills is only part of the challenge. You must also give them the interpersonal skills to empower each other and manage their own stress to avoid burn-out.

    Client Experience

    “This investment has changed me as a leader, and improved my company’s effectiveness.”

    Kimberly Hulett

    President & CEO, Creating Results

    In this 10 min video, Kimberly Hulett shares her experiences working with Dana Theus of InPower Coaching.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is Organizational Coaching?

    Organizational coaching is a key component of culture change, providing leaders and teams with critical skills to operate in full alignment with the company’s values. Organizational coaching engagements begin with identifying needed changes to the status quo and targeting the fewest, most impactful shifts leaders much make to achieve them. Through individual executive coaching and aligned team facilitation and skill-building, the organization can begin to see immediate benefit. With ongoing focus and established processes, these changes can become self-sustaining.

    What is the difference between organizational coaching and team coaching?

    Organizational coaching focuses on improving the culture that exists across teams, both up and down the hierarchy. Improvements to organizational performance are made with coaching, training and facilitation interventions for influential individual leaders and their teams. This almost always includes the executive and leadership teams. We provide key executive and team leaders individual coaching to help them form their authentic leadership styles that align with organizational values and aspirational behavioral norms. As a part of an organizational coaching engagement, it’s common to extend our coaching support for these leaders by providing facilitation and training to guide their teams in establishing new, more performance-focused, operating norms.

    How do you “coach” a team?

    Coaching a team starts by consulting with the team leader, directly observing some team meetings, and conducting a team 360 assessment. With the leader we help the team establish a clear picture of which obstacles to team performance should be addressed with behavioral changes and new behavioral group norms. The coach then facilitates the team to reach consensus on what motivates them to change and what priority they give to each of the changes identified. Once this focus is established, the coach can facilitate meetings to help establish new norms, provide training on various tools the team can incorporate into their engagement and provide spot-coaching for key individuals to help them come into alignment with these new norms. Alongside this work, the coach stays in close contact with the team leader, on both a consulting and executive coaching basis, supporting their work to manage to these new norms and to build up their personal leadership identity and style in the process.

    What’s the difference between organizational coaching and leadership development?

    Organizational coaching focuses on building an intentional leadership culture that reinforces best practices across all leadership activities and forums in the organization. It supplements and leverages leadership development training and coaching given to individuals.

    Which leaders need executive coaching in an organizational coaching engagement?

    We find that organizational coaching engagements are more successful when the top leaders (e.g., CEO and executive team) receive executive coaching to help them personally align and role model to the new performance norms they invest in bringing to the company culture. In addition it is a good idea to give influential leaders in senior management (e.g., Director and above) some executive coaching so that they can also align and role model these changes effectively to middle management. Most cultural change initiatives fail if those changes are not spread with intention to middle management.

    Does organizational coaching improve employee retention and employee engagement?

    Executed well against goals that matter to high-value employees, organizational coaching does positively improve employee retention and satisfaction. Helping teams and leaders improve their performance norms tends to invite greater engagement as well with the entire employee base.

    What are some examples of organizational coaching goals and how are they set?

    Organizational coaching goals are established through a combination of executive interviews and team 360 assessments that tend to surface the primary obstacles to organizational performance. In addition it’s important to identify any metrics that the organizational coaching engagement is designed to improve. From these assessments we work with leaders to reach consensus on the top 3-6 improvements that can be expected to remove obstacles to performance, improve key metrics and elevate the leadership culture overall. Some common goals include improvements in: Goal-Setting and Accountability, Emotional Intelligence, Collaboration, Decision-making and Consensus, Strategic Focus, Systems Thinking, Psychological Safety, Difficult Conversations, Inclusive Leadership, Mentoring/Coaching and Empowering Leadership Styles, Purpose and Visionary Leadership.

    How do we achieve immediate results with organizational coaching?

    Our organizational coaching strategy focuses on creating cultural behavioral shifts one goal at a time. By taking this “nudge” approach to culture change, leaders, teams and individual employees are able to adapt to the change and integrate new behaviors into the culture in a focused way. The key components of success are:

    • executive behavior change and role modeling
    • leader buy-in

    A good intervention “nudge” will produce visible results within 3 months and may take as much as 6-9 months (depending on the size of the organization,) to integrate fully. Once the first behavior change is normalized, the second is introduced and becomes the entire organization’s focus. In this way, smaller organizations can see significant change within a year and larger organizations within two years.

    Can you bring organizational coaching in-house?

    Companies can, and should, plan to bring organizational coaching in-house to the extent they can. Successful leadership cultures are always improving and focusing on the next “nudge” to improve behavioral performance. These objectives can be identified and managed in-house. If the organization is large enough to support a permanent coaching and facilitation staff, that, too can be staffed internally. We work with our clients to build an ongoing system of organizational coaching and improvement which can be sustained by internal teams with or without external supplemental coaching. We are available on a consulting and coaching basis to continue to support their efforts.

    How do you measure the impact of organizational coaching?

    Organizational coaching is always “felt” by the leaders first. If there are specific metrics (e.g., employee turnover, employee satisfaction, sales productivity, time-to-market, etc.) that the company hopes to improve, it’s important to establish the baseline measurements prior to the beginning of the engagement and make it clear how these metrics will factor into evaluating the engagement over what period of time. This establishes the parameters of the proposed intervention strategy. Setting the baseline can be done with surveys to supplement metrics already tracked.

    Scale Your Culture to Scale Your Business
    Activate Your Team’s Highest Potential

    Dana Theus

    ​”I help CEOS and executive teams of growing companies shape their company culture into a strategic asset. With an upgrade to their organizational culture, executives will take the guess-work out of organizational culture change and see results fast, including strong employee engagement, empowerment and productivity that reinforces their employer brand. Best of all, my clients gain the ability to lead change at a whole new level.”
    Dana Theus, Executive & Organizational Coach

    Client Comments

    Dana led my organization through our Strategic Planning process and she was incredibly helpful! She has deep sensitivity for the issues we face and is able to facilitate discussion and the overall process with ease, assuredness and proficiency. Dana has such extensive knowledge about organizational development and puts her skills and tools to great use to help us achieve our goals. All this, and she’s affable and funny, too! Dana is an exceptional facilitator in addition to coaching leadership through the process, I would reccommend her to anyone!

    Peg Hacskaylo

    Executive Director, DASH-DC

    “Dana Theus of InPower Coaching has done work for my team at Microsoft and the feedback on Dana’s work is phenomenal and excellent. Using her knowledge as a facilitator, Dana is able to drive really great content in her workshops, coaching and team development. 

    InPower Coaching has made a substantial impact on my team and I highly endorse and recommend Dana.”

    Mike Howard

    Chief Security Officer (ret.)

    We brought Dana in, on very short notice, to facilitate formation of an advisory group at a time of important organizational transition. She quickly proved to be an exceptionally able and eager student of the organization and culture, making it her business to really understand us before she stepped into the meeting rooms. Her efforts paid off. One participant not known for his enthusiasm declared it the best meetings in which he’d been involved. Another participant marveled that “Dana didn’t feel like an outsider. She clearly ‘got’ us and even speaks our language!”

    Lynn Borton

    COO, NAMI (ret.)