Video Library
Coaching Tips:
How to be Your Best Self at Work and in Life
In my 10+ years of coaching, I find myself giving many of the same tips over and over again. So I’m putting some of my go-to tips for clients, friends, and anyone who can use them out into the world. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel to see the newest ones. Enjoy, and let me know what you think!
InPower Leadership
There’s a lot of leadership advice out there. Here is my own take on how to be a good leader, tap the power of your highest self, and make a difference in the world–all at the same time!
How to talk to Executives - Communications Tip
How to Break the Loop Working in Toxic Cultures
Meetings, Personal Brand Hell?
Healthy Ego in Leadership is Ok
REQUIRED FOR SUCCESS: Resistance to change
Collaboration vs. Accountability: Is it a Tradeoff?
Empathy Without Burnout: Supporting Others Emotionally
My peers report to me! Now what?
New Manager Tips I Wish I’d Had
Career/Personal Brand Tips
Managing your career does not require a “plan,” it requires your understanding of what you’re good at, a focus on what brings you joy and a commitment to go get those things for yourself. Here are insights to help you do it!
Be Bold–Focus on Career-Defining Accomplishments
This place is toxic! Should I leave?
I don’t deserve my dream job
Career Advice for Getting To the Top
“Presence”as a Strategy for Work a Life Success
I'm stuck. No one sees my potential.
Opening Opportunities with Your Elevator Pitch
Quick Guide to Job Interview Prep
How to Develop Your Personal Brand for Promotion
Stress Management
Everyone has stress. In this section, I give you my personal and professional hacks to manage and reduce stress to work for you, instead of messing with your head.
Do I Really Need to Work “Twice as Hard?”
My #1 strategy to “put work away” when it’s time to enjoy life
ToDo’s Out of Control?
Can Your “Right Brain” Save You From Burnout?
Stress Relief: Unstructured Time
What can you do when you’re the target of the office bully
How to avoid triggering emotions
Overcoming Overwhelm
This place is toxic! Should I leave?
Authentic Feminine Leadership
How do women get around the contradictions and confusions of building their own, effective leadership style without falling prey to the pitfalls that stereotypes want to put us in? The answer is simple: Authenticity. Make your leadership style your own. Own it. Here’s what that can look like.
What Does Authentic Feminine Leadership Look Like?
Why Aren’t There More Female CEOs?
The Cure for Perfectionism
“Presence”as a Strategy for Work a Life Success
“I got here by being collaborative but now I'm losing out - what’s going on?”
Personal Brand vs. People Pleasing
Mindset Shift: Imposter Syndrome
What does it mean to be authentic at work?
Getting Out of the Weeds: How to Build a Strategic Mindset
Personal Mastery
What’s the secret sauce to authenticity, stress reduction, and leadership impact? It all comes down to mastering yourself. Here are some insights into how to do that. The journey is a long one, and a good one.
Do you need a personal mission statement?
Overcoming Overwhelm
Narrative and The Psychology of Closure
How to avoid triggering emotions
Stop Being Powerless: The Silence Trick
Don’t Be Emotional at Work?
Guide to Setting Boundaries
How to Move Beyond Self-Doubt
Why it’s time to dump “work-life balance” ⚖️
Inclusive Leadership
While our leadership stereotypes default all-too-often to the ‘white male standard,’ our leaders do not. Our world requires leaders to break out of the stereotypical molds and get more creative, diverse, and inclusive. Here are some views into the challenges and approaches that can work to break the mold in your own life and work.
When is a Compliment an Unintentional Microaggression?
How not to become the “DEI problem child”
Diversity Alliances - What are they?
Microaggression Alert: Don’t Question My Judgment
How to Stop Judging People
Tips for Leading Culture Change
How to deal with unconscious bias
Where the Golden Rule Fails
White Women Wake Up
Mentoring is a critical piece in everyone’s career and personal success. Whether you are the mentor or the protege, it’s important to be thoughtful about how to engage with your partner to get the most from your time and energy investment. Here are some tips.
Mentoring: Am I doing it right?
A Behind-the-Scenes Peek at Career Sponsorship
Women Mentoring Women
Can You Plan Your Career to Get Ahead?
Can you plan your career to get ahead?
Tips to Set Long-Term Career Goals
Reverse Mentoring: What is it and Why do you need it?
Types of Mentorship
I’ve got a mentor/mentee! Now what?
Ready for the personal touch? Explore 1-1 coaching with Dana

“I know that a coaching program is a major investment of time and money you make in yourself. To get the most out of your investment, I have to be flexible so that you can align your time, energy, financial and company resources to fully reap the rewards of your commitment. Working with my senior leader clients over the years I’ve designed executive coaching programs to make it easy for you to work with me. My only goal is your success. Wondering how I can help you? Contact me so we can find out!“
Dana Theus, Executive & Career Coach